Pray for Rain — YC Lynn ft. AiKO

Pray for Rain (祈雨)

Music & Lyrics: YC Lynn
Tuning: Nagi1999a
Vocal: AiKO (艾可)

Producer’s Comment:

Because of the maiden’s devout prayers, the land beset by long-lasting drought has hope once again.

月光下住民沉沉睡去 空氣中沒有一絲水氣
Underneath the moonlight, the townsfolk sleeps heavily. The air is bereft of even a sliver of moisture.
枯萎花垂頭草乾裂地 飄落最後一片黃葉
With the flowers withered, the vegetation drooping, and the earth dried and cracking, a final yellow leaf falls to the ground.

孩子們餓得發慌 大人們難入夢鄉 村長已束手無策 禱告聲仍在迴盪
The children are so hungry as to be irritable, while the adults are having trouble sleeping. The village chief already has his hands tied, and the sounds of prayers continually resound.
少女翩翩然降臨 銀白色宛如妖精 鐘塔上歌謠開始詠唱
The maiden gracefully descends, silver-white like an alluring spirit, and atop the clock tower, she begins to sing her folk song.

啊 請求您 天地之神 請賜予豐沛寶貴甘露水 (啊 請求請求您天地之神吶 請賜予那甘露水)
Ah, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that precious, sweet dew aplenty. (Ah, I beg of you, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that sweet dew.)
奉獻上吾等信仰心 鳶尾花開時回報恩情 (啊 天降甘霖 奉上吾等信仰 直至花開)
I offer up our hearts full of faith, and when the irises bloom, we will repay your grace. (Ah, if sweet rain falls from the skies, then we will offer up our faith, until the flowers bloom.)

La Du Ti Eh La Vu Ta Hei La Du Ti Eh La Vu Ta Hei

爸爸媽媽還好嗎 愛麗絲過得很好 大家儘管餓肚子 還是會每天微笑
Mom, Dad, have you been well? Alice has been very well here. Even though everyone is going hungry, they’re still willing to offer up smiles every day.
館伯伯很親切 總會給我乾麵包 劍士姊姊很糊塗 裝備每次都忘掉
The mister at the store is very generous, and he always gives me some dry bread, while the young swordswoman is very clumsy, and she always forgets her equipment.

太陽被雨聲喚醒 空氣中充滿清新 小孩們跑上田地 大人們拿出水瓶
The sun is roused by the sound of rain, and the air is full of clear freshness. The children run across the fields, while the adults take out their water jugs.
少女眨眨眼俯視 赤色瞳宛如叮鈴 鐘塔上是否依然詠唱
The maiden blinks her eyes as she looks down, her scarlet pupils like bells. Does she still continue to sing atop the clock tower?

啊 請求您 天地之神 請賜予豐沛寶貴甘露水 (啊 請求請求您天地之神吶 請賜予那甘露水)
Ah, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that precious, sweet dew aplenty. (Ah, I beg of you, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that sweet dew.)
啊 感恩您 天地之神 恩寵以冰涼滋潤甘露水 (啊 請求請求您天地之神吶 請賜予那甘露水)
Ah, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please favor us with that cold and moist, sweet dew. (Ah, I beg of you, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that sweet dew.)
奉獻上吾等信仰心 鳶尾花開時獻上花果報恩情 (啊 天降甘霖 奉上吾等信仰 鳶尾花花開時報恩情)
I offer up our hearts full of faith, and when the irises bloom, we will offer up our flowers and fruits to repay your grace. (Ah, if sweet rain falls from the skies, then we will offer up our faith and repay your grace once the irises bloom.)

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