The Rhythm of Love — Keikaku Tsuukou ft. Xia Yu Yao & Zhiyu Moke

The Rhythm of Love (戀愛節奏)

Music & Lyrics: Keikaku Tsuukou (計畫通行)
Tuning: Diaphanum Sound (クエン酸P/檸檬酸P)
Vocal: Xia Yu Yao (夏語遙), Zhiyu Moke (徵羽摩柯)

Producer’s Comment:

Hi everyone, it’s Keikaku Tsuukou.
I wrote this duet song between Xia Yu Yao and Zhiyu Moke.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

啊啊 陪伴妳的生活
Ah, in this life where I’m with you,
每天固定的問候 卻又不會嫌太多
I ask after you every day as usual, but I never think it’s too much.
啊啊 你早已習慣我
Ah, you’ve long already gotten used to me.
有時候不像以前 對我是這麼的溫柔
Sometimes, you aren’t as gentle with me as you used to be.
還是不經意的 牽著你手
I still unconsciously hold your hand.
There’s no need to wait for anything
because you are my reason.

牽著腳踏車 妳坐在我的後座
I lead along the bicycle, while you sit in the backseat.
心情很自由 煩惱全部都放空
I feel so free, and I’ve let go of all my worries,
as we carelessly chat about how our day was
and also reflect for a long while on the time we’ve spent together at home.

Sometimes, our ways of thinking are very different,
希望每一次 你都能夠同意我
and every time I wish that you’d agree with me more.
唉唷 寶貝 先聽我說
Oh jeez, darling, please listen to me first.
將答案 說出口 甜上心頭
Once the reply is spoken out loud, my mind fills with sweetness.

啊啊 陪伴妳的生活
Ah, in this life where I’m with you,
一切回歸於平穩 偶爾有些小騷動
everything always goes back to a comfortable normal, even with the occasional small issues.
啊啊 學會慢慢接受
Ah, I’ve slowly learned to accept it
讓我皺起了眉頭 卻又不知如何開口
when something makes me furrow my brows, but I don’t know what to say.
Actually, I never mean to make you scold me.
I’ve already tried being flexible again and again,
but you’re still finding excuses to shirk responsibility.

生氣的時候 怎麼那麼難溝通
Why is it so hard to communicate when we’re angry?
你的壞習慣 像山一樣那麼多
Your bad habits are as plentiful as the mountains.
I clearly just said that I’d chop your hands if you keep shopping.
Aren’t you the one who often makes in-app purchases without telling me?
是誰夾娃娃 把獎金全放水流
Who’s the one that washes all her money down the drain on crane games?
是誰房間裡 東西亂擺都不收
Who’s the one that leaves a mess and never cleans up his room?
Sometimes, we’re as incompatible as water and fire,
卻能夠 像這樣
but even like this, we’re still able to
forgive one another.

茫茫人海中 你選擇了我
In this vast sea of people, you chose me.
Do you still think the same way even now?
在日落之後 依然為我守候
After the sun sets, you still wait for me as always.
There’s no need to wait for anything
because you are my reason.

牽著腳踏車 妳坐在我的後座
I lead along the bicycle, while you sit in the backseat.
心情很自由 煩惱全部都放空
I feel so free, and I’ve let go of all my worries,
as we plan how we’re going to spend the weekend.
As long as you and I spend it together, it’ll be great.

Even if, our ways of thinking aren’t the same,
every time, you still let me have my way after a bitter laugh.
唉唷寶貝 先聽我說
Oh jeez, darling, please listen to me first.
將答案 說出口 甜上心頭
Once the reply is spoken out loud, my mind fills with sweetness.
我與妳 彈奏著
You and I are playing
this rhythm of love.