Life’s Destination — Young Hu ft. AiKO

Life’s Destination (生命的終點)

Music & Lyrics: Young Hu
Vocal: AiKO (艾可)

為何 不斷 重複
Why does everything continue to repeat unceasingly?
I hide in a corner to sob in pain.
為何 總是 痛苦
Why is it always so painful?
If I disappear, who would even remember me?

夢是單行道 有誰會醒著
Dreams are one-way streets. Who is able to wake up from them?
愚蠢的以為 現實很美好
It’s senseless to believe that reality is beautiful.

從各懷鬼胎 到一無所有
From concealing ulterior motives to having nothing at all,
最後只能夠 在心裡默念
in the end, the only thing I can do is to mull over everything in my heart.

一二三四 五六七八
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
神為什麼 創造我們
Why did the gods create us?
二二三四 五六七八
Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
走進他的 無聊玩笑
I walk into his meaningless joke.

三二三四 五六七八
Three, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
何為存在 何為消失
What is the meaning of existence? What is the meaning of disappearing?
四二三四 五六七八
Four, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
倒數迎接 命運審判
I count backwards in order to welcome destiny’s judgment.

Life’s destination.

I mull over everything in my heart

一二三四 五六七八
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
神為什麼 創造我們
Why did the gods create us?
二二三四 五六七八
Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
走進他的 無聊玩笑
I walk into his meaningless joke.

三二三四 五六七八
Three, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
何為存在 何為消失
What is the meaning of existence? What is the meaning of disappearing?
四二三四 五六七八
Four, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
倒數迎接 命運審判
I count backwards in order to welcome destiny’s judgment.

Life’s destination.

I mull over everything in my heart

一二三四 五六七八
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
神為什麼 創造我們
Why did the gods create us?
二二三四 五六七八
Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
走進他的 無聊玩笑
I walk into his meaningless joke.

三二三四 五六七八
Three, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
何為存在 何為消失
What is the meaning of existence? What is the meaning of disappearing?
四二三四 五六七八
Four, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
倒數迎接 命運審判
I count backwards in order to welcome destiny’s judgment.

夢是單行道 有誰會醒著
Dreams are one-way streets. Who is able to wake up from them?
愚蠢的以為 現實很美好
It’s senseless to believe that reality is beautiful.

從各懷鬼胎 到一無所有
From concealing ulterior motives to having nothing at all,
最後只能夠 在心裡默念
in the end, the only thing I can do is to mull over everything in my heart.

一二三四 五六七八
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
一二三四 五六七八
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
一二三四 五六七八
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
一二三四 五六七八
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Life’s destination.

This song is also available for purchase on Bandcamp.

It’s Fine Just Like This — Young Hu ft. AiKO and Xia Yu Yao

It’s Fine Just Like This (這樣就好)

Music & Lyrics: Young Hu
Vocal: AiKO (艾可), Xia Yu Yao (夏語遙)


It’s another ordinary day again.
看著你 好奇你的一切
Looking at you, I’m curious about your everything,
but I don’t dare to be too obvious.

I stay by your side.
歡笑中 微風吹過耳邊
While we laugh, a breeze blows past our ears.
Who would be able to understand?

It’s fine just like this.
I’m not willing to risk breaking
this friendship.
Just a bit is fine.

If my heartbeats
were able to convey
my heart’s desires,
how amazing would that be.

It’s another ordinary day again.
看著你 好奇你的一切
Looking at you, I’m curious about your everything,
but I don’t dare to be too obvious.

I stay by your side.
歡笑中 微風吹過耳邊
While we laugh, a breeze blows past our ears.
Who would be able to understand?

It’s fine just like this.
I’m not willing to risk breaking
this friendship.
Just a bit is fine.

If my heartbeats
were able to convey
my heart’s desires,
how amazing would that be.

I stay by your side.

Just a bit is fine.

This song is available as part of the 分​分​合​合 album on Bandcamp.

Separating and Reconciling — Young Hu ft. AiKO

Separating and Reconciling (分分合合)

Music & Lyrics: Young Hu
Vocal: AiKO (艾可)

從很久以前 早已預想到結局
Since a long time ago, I’ve already long forseen this ending,
仍然一直追求 虛無和飄渺
even as I still continued to chase after that nebulous illusion.

舊往傷疤 不停劃開再癒合
Those old scars are continuously re-opened and then mended again.
只能恨我自己 沒辦法放棄
I can only hate myself for being unable to give up.

Why is it that these memories sealed within this bottle
unceasingly cause me sorrow before then being forgotten again.
We’re always separating and then reconciling.

最無知 的自己
The me who’s completely ignorant.
最天真 的想法
My thoughts which are completely naive.

沒回應 的問答
That question that never received a response.
沒結局 的過場
This interlude that never reached an ending.

即使重 新來過
Even if we start over again,
依舊是 滿身傷
my body still remains full of scars.

要如何 才能夠
What can I do to be able to
笑看著 浮世華
smile as I look upon the beauty of the world.

最無知 的自己
The me who’s completely ignorant.
最天真 的想法
My thoughts which are completely naive.

沒回應 的問答
That question that never received a response.
沒結局 的過場
This interlude that never reached an ending.

即使重 新來過
Even if we start over again,
依舊是 滿身傷
my body still remains full of scars.

要如何 才能夠
What can I do to be able to
笑看著 浮世華
smile as I look upon the beauty of the world.

最無知 的自己
The me who’s completely ignorant.
最天真 的想法
My thoughts which are completely naive.

沒回應 的問答
That question that never received a response.
沒結局 的過場
This interlude that never reached an ending.

即使重 新來過
Even if we start over again,
依舊是 滿身傷
my body still remains full of scars.

要如何 才能夠
What can I do to be able to
笑看著 浮世華
smile as I look upon the beauty of the world.

從很久以前 早已預想到結局
Since a long time ago, I’ve already long forseen this ending,
仍然一直追求 虛無和飄渺
even as I still continued to chase after that nebulous illusion.

舊往傷疤 不停劃開再癒合
Those old scars are continuously re-opened and then mended again.
只能恨我自己 沒辦法放棄
I can only hate myself for being unable to give up.

Why is it that these memories sealed within this bottle
unceasingly cause me sorrow before then being forgotten again.
We’re always separating and then reconciling.

從很久以前 早已預想到結局
Since a long time ago, I’ve already long forseen this ending,
仍然一直追求 虛無和飄渺
even as I still continued to chase after that nebulous illusion.

舊往傷疤 不停劃開再癒合
Those old scars are continuously re-opened and then mended again.
只能恨我自己 沒辦法放棄
I can only hate myself for being unable to give up.
Separating and then reconciling.

We’re always separating and then reconciling.

最無知 的自己
The me who’s completely ignorant.
最天真 的想法
My thoughts which are completely naive.

沒回應 的問答
That question that never received a response.
沒結局 的過場
This interlude that never reached an ending.

即使重 新來過
Even if we start over again,
依舊是 滿身傷
my body still remains full of scars.

要如何 才能夠
What can I do to be able to
笑看著 浮世華
smile as I look upon the beauty of the world.

We’re always separating and then reconciling.

This song is available on the Bandcamp album of the same name.

I’m an Egg Pancake; Stay Away From Me — NiceChord ft. AiKO

I’m an Egg Pancake; Stay Away From Me (我是一個蛋餅,離我遠一點)

Music & Lyrics: NiceChord (好和弦)
Vocal: AiKO (艾可)

I’m an egg pancake
lying in a hot frying pan
with green onions, ham, and corn.
Don’t wake me up.
舒服 舒服 舒服 真舒服
It’s comfy, comfy, comfy, super comfy.

The boss rolls me up
and puts me on a plate.
Where are we going now?
The vibe is a bit weird.
不要 不要 我不要 我不要
No, no, I don’t want to, I don’t want to!

This human in front of me
couldn’t possibly have decided they’re going to eat me, right?!
What are you doing?!
Stop squeezing sticky, thick liquid on me!
Don’t touch me with your chopsticks!
Your disgusting food breath is all over it!
I already warned you!
If you keep approaching, then I’m definitely going to scream!
走開 趕快給我走開
Go away! Hurry and get away from me!

啊 啊 救命啊 趕快放我下來
Ah, ah, save me! Hurry and put me down!
你這個可怕的人類 吃東西之前你有洗手了嗎
Hey, you scary human, did you wash your hands before eating?!
啊 救命啊 這裡有個變態
Ah, save me! There’s a pervert over here!
看我用力翻滾 把醬油膏都噴到你臉上
Watch me roll with all my might and spray all my soy sauce paste on your face!
啊 救命啊 趕快放我下來
Ah, save me! Hurry and put me down!
吃蛋餅配大冰奶 你是等一下很想拉肚子嗎
You’re eating an egg pancake with a big glass of cold milk?! You’re just asking for diarrhea later!
啊 救命啊 這裡有個變態
Ah, save me! There’s a pervert over here!
看我使用脫逃術 把餡料掉到桌子上
Watch me use my escape artist techniques and drop all my fillings onto the table!

I’m a piece of an egg pancake.
Stay away from me.

Is it only my AI that’s this hard to use? — YC Lynn ft. AiKO and Xia Yu Yao AI

Is it only my AI that’s this hard to use? (只有我的AI這麼難用嗎)

Music & Lyrics: YC Lynn
Vocal: AiKO (艾可), Xia Yu Yao AI (夏語遙)

Producer’s Comment:

Other people’s AI: within a second of inserting a prompt, spits out an image
My AI: the system can’t find the GPU :/

那天我在 在安裝TensorFlow
That day I was trying to install TensorFlow
裝在Ubuntu 20 搭配最新WSL
onto Ubuntu 20, along with the newest WSL.
$ wget
$ sudo apt install cuda
Installing version 12.0 should be fine, right?
I take a break to eat lunch.

吃完午餐 打開藍色VS code
After eating lunch, I open the blue VS Code module
to check on my GPU.
>>> tf.config.list_physical_devices(‘gpu’)
$ wget
$ sudo apt install cuda
什麼都沒看到啊 說好的支援?
Why can’t I see any of the resources that’s supposed to be there?

明明已經 按照官網 打上所有指令
I clearly already typed all the commands as directed by the official website.
Nvidia最好給我 說明清楚
Nvidia, you better clearly explain to me
cuda要裝哪個 發行版本
which release version of CUDA I should install.
nvcc竟然還要 手動加入 系統路徑
NVCC actually still needs me to add the system path manually?!

今天也在 在安裝TensorFlow
Today, I’m still trying to install TensorFlow.
How far has your investigation progressed?
系統效率優化 a.k.a. 沒進度
System efficiency has been optimized. (a.k.a. no progress)
嗯 對…
Oh, right…
$ apt install cuda
Installing version 11.8 should be fine, right?
I take a break to eat lunch.

Ah, shit.