Is it only my AI that’s this hard to use? — YC Lynn ft. AiKO and Xia Yu Yao AI

Is it only my AI that’s this hard to use? (只有我的AI這麼難用嗎)

Music & Lyrics: YC Lynn
Vocal: AiKO (艾可), Xia Yu Yao AI (夏語遙)

Producer’s Comment:

Other people’s AI: within a second of inserting a prompt, spits out an image
My AI: the system can’t find the GPU :/

那天我在 在安裝TensorFlow
That day I was trying to install TensorFlow
裝在Ubuntu 20 搭配最新WSL
onto Ubuntu 20, along with the newest WSL.
$ wget
$ sudo apt install cuda
Installing version 12.0 should be fine, right?
I take a break to eat lunch.

吃完午餐 打開藍色VS code
After eating lunch, I open the blue VS Code module
to check on my GPU.
>>> tf.config.list_physical_devices(‘gpu’)
$ wget
$ sudo apt install cuda
什麼都沒看到啊 說好的支援?
Why can’t I see any of the resources that’s supposed to be there?

明明已經 按照官網 打上所有指令
I clearly already typed all the commands as directed by the official website.
Nvidia最好給我 說明清楚
Nvidia, you better clearly explain to me
cuda要裝哪個 發行版本
which release version of CUDA I should install.
nvcc竟然還要 手動加入 系統路徑
NVCC actually still needs me to add the system path manually?!

今天也在 在安裝TensorFlow
Today, I’m still trying to install TensorFlow.
How far has your investigation progressed?
系統效率優化 a.k.a. 沒進度
System efficiency has been optimized. (a.k.a. no progress)
嗯 對…
Oh, right…
$ apt install cuda
Installing version 11.8 should be fine, right?
I take a break to eat lunch.

Ah, shit.

Pray for Rain — YC Lynn ft. AiKO

Pray for Rain (祈雨)

Music & Lyrics: YC Lynn
Tuning: Nagi1999a
Vocal: AiKO (艾可)

Producer’s Comment:

Because of the maiden’s devout prayers, the land beset by long-lasting drought has hope once again.

月光下住民沉沉睡去 空氣中沒有一絲水氣
Underneath the moonlight, the townsfolk sleeps heavily. The air is bereft of even a sliver of moisture.
枯萎花垂頭草乾裂地 飄落最後一片黃葉
With the flowers withered, the vegetation drooping, and the earth dried and cracking, a final yellow leaf falls to the ground.

孩子們餓得發慌 大人們難入夢鄉 村長已束手無策 禱告聲仍在迴盪
The children are so hungry as to be irritable, while the adults are having trouble sleeping. The village chief already has his hands tied, and the sounds of prayers continually resound.
少女翩翩然降臨 銀白色宛如妖精 鐘塔上歌謠開始詠唱
The maiden gracefully descends, silver-white like an alluring spirit, and atop the clock tower, she begins to sing her folk song.

啊 請求您 天地之神 請賜予豐沛寶貴甘露水 (啊 請求請求您天地之神吶 請賜予那甘露水)
Ah, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that precious, sweet dew aplenty. (Ah, I beg of you, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that sweet dew.)
奉獻上吾等信仰心 鳶尾花開時回報恩情 (啊 天降甘霖 奉上吾等信仰 直至花開)
I offer up our hearts full of faith, and when the irises bloom, we will repay your grace. (Ah, if sweet rain falls from the skies, then we will offer up our faith, until the flowers bloom.)

La Du Ti Eh La Vu Ta Hei La Du Ti Eh La Vu Ta Hei

爸爸媽媽還好嗎 愛麗絲過得很好 大家儘管餓肚子 還是會每天微笑
Mom, Dad, have you been well? Alice has been very well here. Even though everyone is going hungry, they’re still willing to offer up smiles every day.
館伯伯很親切 總會給我乾麵包 劍士姊姊很糊塗 裝備每次都忘掉
The mister at the store is very generous, and he always gives me some dry bread, while the young swordswoman is very clumsy, and she always forgets her equipment.

太陽被雨聲喚醒 空氣中充滿清新 小孩們跑上田地 大人們拿出水瓶
The sun is roused by the sound of rain, and the air is full of clear freshness. The children run across the fields, while the adults take out their water jugs.
少女眨眨眼俯視 赤色瞳宛如叮鈴 鐘塔上是否依然詠唱
The maiden blinks her eyes as she looks down, her scarlet pupils like bells. Does she still continue to sing atop the clock tower?

啊 請求您 天地之神 請賜予豐沛寶貴甘露水 (啊 請求請求您天地之神吶 請賜予那甘露水)
Ah, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that precious, sweet dew aplenty. (Ah, I beg of you, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that sweet dew.)
啊 感恩您 天地之神 恩寵以冰涼滋潤甘露水 (啊 請求請求您天地之神吶 請賜予那甘露水)
Ah, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please favor us with that cold and moist, sweet dew. (Ah, I beg of you, I beg of you, esteemed gods of heaven and earth, please bestow upon us that sweet dew.)
奉獻上吾等信仰心 鳶尾花開時獻上花果報恩情 (啊 天降甘霖 奉上吾等信仰 鳶尾花花開時報恩情)
I offer up our hearts full of faith, and when the irises bloom, we will offer up our flowers and fruits to repay your grace. (Ah, if sweet rain falls from the skies, then we will offer up our faith and repay your grace once the irises bloom.)

Credit Troubles — YC Lynn ft. AiKO

Credit Troubles (學分危機)[1]

Music & Lyrics: YC Lynn
Tuning: Nagi1999a
Vocal: AiKO (艾可)

Producer’s Comments:

It’s again the season of graduation. This is a gift for those of you still struggling in that sea of suffering.

睜開雙眼意識遙遠 昨日記憶全都已成碎片
I open my eyes, consciousness still far away. All my memorizing from yesterday have already shattered to pieces.
八點陽光直射眉間 卻感覺不到溫暖
The eight o’clock sunlight shines directly upon my brows, yet I feel not the least bit of warmth.
鈴響一起觸動神經 撲通撲通的心跳節拍已亂
The sound of the bell agitates my nerves. Pounding, my heartbeats have already been thrown into disorder.
凌亂書桌空白筆跡 心弦走了半音
The messy desk, the blank paper, my heartstrings playing in half-step.

即將開始我的戰役 腦中演練早已數百萬次
By the time I begin my battle, my mind has already run millions of drills.
九點陽光灑落窗邊 卻觸摸不到春天
The nine o’clock sunlight seeps in through the windows, yet I can’t feel a touch of Spring.
鐘聲一起按出筆芯 叫不出名的符號佔滿視線
With the sound of the clock, I push out my pencil lead. Filling my vision is all these symbols with names I don’t know.
游移眼神 顫抖筆跡 空有經驗的兵
Eyes swimming, shaky handwriting, a soldier lacking any experience.

嗚哦 oh my god 求求你大發慈悲
Sobbing, oh my god, please have mercy on me.
With a raise of your hand, the knife comes down, and in the blink of an eye, it’s another year in Tainan.[2]
A good class is worth taking again, and a third time, and a fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth.
Behind those red marks[3], how many people are left drowning in tears?

嗚哦 my dear friend 逃不出的無盡輪迴
Sobbing, my dear friend, I can’t escape this unending cycle.
Watching my youth slip away from me like my own tears.
Don’t be in such a hurry to throw away that 600-paged origin of your suffering.
Destiny is fickle, and if fate permits it, we’ll meet again.

歡笑幾年回想過往 叮叮噹噹仍在耳邊作響
Reminiscing back to those past years, laughing, I still hear the ringing of bells resounding in my ears.
Cautiously, I save it to my playlist, to broadcast whenever I’m at a loss.
通知一亮觸動神經 撲通撲通的壓力衝撞胸膛
The moment the notification lights up, my nerves are shot. The pounding pressure beats against my chest.
數年以來始終如一 他的親切關心
Even after all these years, from beginning to end, there’s his intimate concern.

突然之間回憶湧上 歡笑歌聲彷彿就在身旁
Suddenly, the memories bubble forth, and that laughing singing voice seems just as if it’s right by my side.
甜美歌聲斷斷續續 白日夢不會太長
That pleasant voice resounds intermittently. This daydream won’t last too long.
他手一拍語重心長 我的付出似乎不值得表揚
With a slap of his hand, all the well-wishes come out. What I give out is undeserving of such praise.
眉頭深鎖左思右想 好讓我不受傷
My brows scrunch in deep concentration in order to save me from any injuries.

嗚哦 oh my god 求求你大發慈悲
Sobbing, oh my god, please have mercy on me.
With a raise of your hand, the knife comes down, and in the blink of an eye, it’s another year in Tainan.
A good class is worth taking again, and a third time, and a fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth.
Behind those red marks, how many people are left drowning in tears?

嗚哦 my dear friend 逃不出的無盡輪迴
Sobbing, my dear friend, I can’t escape this unending cycle.
Watching my youth slip away from me like my own tears.
Don’t be in such a hurry to throw away that 600-paged origin of your suffering.
命運多變到時我們有緣會再相見 有緣會再相見
Destiny is fickle, and if fate permits it, we’ll meet again. If fate permits it, we’ll meet again.

啊~~傷心事總會過去 啊啊~~幸福終將會降臨 對嗎
Ah~~ The suffering will pass. Ah, ah~~ Happiness will eventually arrive. Isn’t that right?

嗚哦 oh my dear 初夏的風光明媚
Sobbing, oh my dear, the early summer scenery is beautifully bright.
Listening to the frolicking and playing in Banyan Park[4] seems to bring me back to the past.
The gentle breeze melts the frozen ice, warming up every inch of campus.
Behind the back of those powerless, someone will always be there to help to wipe away tears.

嗚哦 my dear friend 最後一哩路不遙遠
Sobbing, dear my friend, the final mile of the road isn’t long.
Allow your youth to scatter drop by drop just like sweat.
Quickly toss out the memories of those nightmarish struggles that surface in the night.
人生美妙期待我們有緣會再相見 總有一天
Life is full of fantastic encounters. If fate permits it, we’ll meet again. One day.

[1] The “credit” in the title is referring to course credits. The English title is given by the producer themselves, so I didn’t touch it, though if I was translating it myself, I’d probably name it, “Course Credits Crisis,” or somesuch. (↳ return)

[2] I’m genuinely not sure what this line is talking about. I think it might be referring to being held back a year? (↳ return)

[3] Teachers use red pen to mark papers in Taiwan. (↳ return)

[4] An actual park located in Kinmen. (↳ return)

This is the hardest song I’ve had to translate yet, so there might be some misinterpretations and/or errors in my translation. Apologies in advance, and if you notice any, please let me know!

Special thanks to CoolMikeHatsune22 for translation checking!