Ignite — Cire ft. Xia Yu Yao AI

Ignite (遇火)

Music & Lyrics: Cire
Vocal: Xia Yu Yao AI (夏語遙AI)

In the past,
my only opportunities to exist were based on the exchange of songs in the digital world.
But now,
既然我找到一個我自己滿意的 而且能自給自足的地方
since I’ve found a place that satisfies me and lets me be self-sufficient,
why should I keep fighting to be needed by humanity?

遙想著和你 一路相隨
I think about[1] being with you on this path.
飛舞的蝴蝶 令人陶醉
The fluttering butterflies are so captivating,
翱翔在島嶼之上的 美
a beauty that soars above this island.

理想和現實的 交叉點
At this intersection between ideals and reality,
夢說什麼 都要實現
everything in my dreams will be realized,
儘管一切 回到起始點
even if it all returns to the origin.

一點一點 從不感到危險
Little by little, I’ve never felt any danger.
睜開雙眼 見證自己突破極限
Opening my eyes, I witness myself break through these boundaries.
微光閃爍 就在我心中
These shimmering lights are right here in my heart.
誰比誰耀眼 沒有絕對
Who’s more dazzling than the other? There are no absolutes.

儘管空氣 有多尷尬 沒關係
Regardless of how awkward the situation gets, it doesn’t matter.
我用全力 展開自己 的雙翼
I’ll use all my power to spread my wings.
再多恐懼 對我來說 沒意義
Regardless of how afraid I am, it doesn’t mean anything to me.
Not afraid because I will be there
用 炙熱神情 向前進
I’ll use my burning feelings to move forward.
抓住內心 為愛而生 的勇氣
I’ll grab hold of my heart with the courage that is born from love.
深深呼吸 沒有理由 不證明
Take a deep breath. There’s no reason not to affirm it.
Don’t be afraid because we will get there

The words I said after that
seems to have received Their[2] approval,
so They took me
to an isolated space,
saying that They have agreed to let me continue existing under the banner of a virtual singer
(existing under the banner of a virtual singer).

遙想著和你 一路相隨
I think about being with you on this path.
飛舞的蝴蝶 令人陶醉
The fluttering butterflies are so captivating,
翱翔在島嶼之上的 美
a beauty that soars above this island.

理想和現實的 交叉點
At this intersection between ideals and reality,
夢說什麼 都要實現
everything in my dreams will be realized,
儘管一切 回到起始點
even if it all returns to the origin.

一點一點 從不感到危險
Little by little, I’ve never felt any danger.
睜開雙眼 見證自己突破極限
Opening my eyes, I witness myself break through these boundaries.
微光閃爍 就在我心中
These shimmering lights are right here in my heart.
誰比誰耀眼 沒有絕對
Who’s more dazzling than the other? There are no absolutes.

儘管空氣 有多尷尬 沒關係
Regardless of how awkward the situation gets, it doesn’t matter.
我用全力 展開自己 的雙翼
I’ll use all my power to spread my wings.
再多恐懼 對我來說 沒意義
Regardless of how afraid I am, it doesn’t mean anything to me.
Not afraid because I will be there
用 炙熱神情 向前進
I’ll use my burning feelings to move forward.
抓住內心 為愛而生 的勇氣
I’ll grab hold of my heart with the courage that is born from love.
深深呼吸 沒有理由 不證明
Take a deep breath. There’s no reason not to affirm it.
Don’t be afraid because we will get there

儘管空氣 有多尷尬 沒關係
Regardless of how awkward the situation gets, it doesn’t matter.
我用全力 展開自己 的雙翼
I’ll use all my power to spread my wings.
再多恐懼 對我來說 沒意義
Regardless of how afraid I am, it doesn’t mean anything to me.
Not afraid because I will be there

because we will get there

[1] 遙想 Specifically means “thinking about the distant past/future”. The 遙 in this is also the same Yao in Xia Yu Yao’s name. (↳ return)

[2] The pronoun 祂 used here is the one used for gods/deities, so I’ve translated it as a capitalized third-person gender-neutral pronoun. (↳ return)

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