Snow Dreams — Jimmy Lu & Miliguo ft. Xia Yu Yao

Snow Dreams (夏雪的夢境)

Music & Guitar: Jimmy Lu
Lyrics: Miliguo (米果)
Vocal: Xia Yu Yao


A demo song using the presamp plug-in, showcasing Xia Yu Yao’s version 3 voicebank.
For more information, please see the official website.

Zha la zha la Zha la zha la la la
輕輕 哼唱
Softly humming

Zha la zha la Zha la zha la la la
響起旋律 的雪天
on this snowy day of resounding melodies.

The white mist before my eyes
凍結的空氣 寧靜
and the freezing, tranquil air
卻輕易 留下了痕跡
actually still easily allows traces to be left behind.

湛藍的天晴 陽光
In the azure sky, the sunlight
照耀著 飄落的夢境
shines down upon the gently falling dreams.

懸浮空中的微塵 還思念
The dust floating through the air still fills me with longing.

The remaining sounds of midsummer
還 迴盪在空白的雪中
still resound through the pure-white snow.

Zha la zha la Zha la zha la la la
It’s you who have been in my dreams before.

Zha la zha la Zha la zha la la la la la
Falling into the vast ocean.
就算蟬聲不再響起 落葉遍地
Even if the cicadas no longer sound, and withered leaves litter the ground,
失去你的蹤跡 滿山找尋
having lost any trace of you, I search high and low.
那驚醒的回憶 到最後 才發覺
In those memories which woke me, only in the end did I discover that
我 還是我
I’m still me.
我 還是我
I’m still me.

If I was to translate the title myself (instead of using the English title provided), I’d probably translate it as “Dreams of Summer Snow” instead.