Magical Bubbles — KFGdesign ft. Xia Yu Yao

Magical Bubbles (魔力氣泡)

Music & Lyrics: KFGdesign
Vocal: Xia Yu Yao (夏語遙)

Producer’s Comment:

Happy sixth birthday anniversary, Xia Yu Yao.

擺鐘搖 鈴聲敲
The clock strikes, the bell sounds,
the ringing is making a clamor.
The bread is heated and baking.
穿外套 出門繞
Putting on a jacket, I go outside to wander,
and a cat on the street meows at me.
Petting the cat, I give it my greetings.

妖怪鬧 壞人靠 這座城市在胡鬧
The spirits are causing a ruckus, the bad guys are using this, the city is in an uproar.
I want to sing loudly of this song’s grace and beauty.
輕飄飄 的泡泡
These bubbles as light as a feather
are marvels of different tunes with the same potency.
I’m here to sing for all of you, so don’t worry.

你想要的擁抱 我來效勞
I’m here to provide that embrace you desire.
請把煩惱 把糟糕 丟掉
Please throw away your worries and your troubles.
你的心跳 撲通跳
Your heart is beating, pounding fast.
Happiness will come knocking.
So please give me a smile.

妖怪鬧 壞人靠 這座城市在胡鬧
The spirits are causing a ruckus, the bad guys are using this, the city is in an uproar.
I want to sing loudly of this song’s grace and beauty.
輕飄飄 的泡泡
These bubbles as light as a feather
are marvels of different tunes with the same potency.
I’m here to sing for all of you, so don’t worry.

你想要的擁抱 我來效勞
I’m here to provide that embrace you desire.
請把煩惱 把糟糕 丟掉
Please throw away your worries and your troubles.
你的心跳 撲通跳
Your heart is beating, pounding fast.
Happiness will come knocking.
So please give me a smile.

魔法拋 壞人逃 妖怪哭鬧
The magic is thrown, the bad guys run away, the spirits are bawling.
我把吵鬧 把嘮叨 毀掉
Taking all this noise and prattle, I destroy them.
魔力氣泡 在薰陶 我身旁纏繞
The magical bubbles are getting influenced while hanging around me
and swallows the darkness whole.

The bubbles of magic are accentuating the ruckus from the spirits.
The people at the town festival are currently singing praises for folk songs.
Perhaps, in your heart, you still wish to receive an embrace.
Please remember to smile and call for me, Xia Yu Yao.

你想要的擁抱 我來效勞
I’m here to provide that embrace you desire.
請把煩惱 把糟糕 丟掉
Please throw away your worries and your troubles.
你的心跳 撲通跳
Your heart is beating, pounding fast.
Happiness will come knocking.
So please give me a smile.

魔法拋 壞人逃 妖怪哭鬧
The magic is thrown, the bad guys run away, the spirits are bawling.
我把吵鬧 把嘮叨 毀掉
Taking all this noise and prattle, I destroy them.
魔力氣泡 在薰陶 我身旁纏繞
The magical bubbles are getting influenced while hanging around me
and swallows the darkness whole.

你想要的擁抱 我來效勞
I’m here to provide that embrace you desire.
請把煩惱 把糟糕 丟掉
Please throw away your worries and your troubles.
你的心跳 撲通跳
Your heart is beating, pounding fast.
Happiness will come knocking.
So please give me a smile.

你想要的擁抱 由我來效勞
Let me provide that embrace you desire.
城市裡的面貌 要我來操刀
Allow me to take charge of the face of this city.
妖怪們在哭鬧 壞人們在逃跑
The spirits are bawling, and the bad guys are running away.
若你在苦惱 請招喚夏語遙
If you’re in distress, please call for Xia Yu Yao.

[1] Here (and in the next stanza with this line), this character is written as 將 instead of 想 in the SynthV version. This simply makes the line slightly more affirmative (“I am about to sing” as opposed to “I want to sing”). (↳ return)