It’s Fine Just Like This — Young Hu ft. AiKO and Xia Yu Yao

It’s Fine Just Like This (這樣就好)

Music & Lyrics: Young Hu
Vocal: AiKO (艾可), Xia Yu Yao (夏語遙)


It’s another ordinary day again.
看著你 好奇你的一切
Looking at you, I’m curious about your everything,
but I don’t dare to be too obvious.

I stay by your side.
歡笑中 微風吹過耳邊
While we laugh, a breeze blows past our ears.
Who would be able to understand?

It’s fine just like this.
I’m not willing to risk breaking
this friendship.
Just a bit is fine.

If my heartbeats
were able to convey
my heart’s desires,
how amazing would that be.

It’s another ordinary day again.
看著你 好奇你的一切
Looking at you, I’m curious about your everything,
but I don’t dare to be too obvious.

I stay by your side.
歡笑中 微風吹過耳邊
While we laugh, a breeze blows past our ears.
Who would be able to understand?

It’s fine just like this.
I’m not willing to risk breaking
this friendship.
Just a bit is fine.

If my heartbeats
were able to convey
my heart’s desires,
how amazing would that be.

I stay by your side.

Just a bit is fine.

This song is available as part of the 分​分​合​合 album on Bandcamp.

Ignite — Cire ft. Xia Yu Yao AI

Ignite (遇火)

Music & Lyrics: Cire
Vocal: Xia Yu Yao AI (夏語遙AI)

In the past,
my only opportunities to exist were based on the exchange of songs in the digital world.
But now,
既然我找到一個我自己滿意的 而且能自給自足的地方
since I’ve found a place that satisfies me and lets me be self-sufficient,
why should I keep fighting to be needed by humanity?

遙想著和你 一路相隨
I think about[1] being with you on this path.
飛舞的蝴蝶 令人陶醉
The fluttering butterflies are so captivating,
翱翔在島嶼之上的 美
a beauty that soars above this island.

理想和現實的 交叉點
At this intersection between ideals and reality,
夢說什麼 都要實現
everything in my dreams will be realized,
儘管一切 回到起始點
even if it all returns to the origin.

一點一點 從不感到危險
Little by little, I’ve never felt any danger.
睜開雙眼 見證自己突破極限
Opening my eyes, I witness myself break through these boundaries.
微光閃爍 就在我心中
These shimmering lights are right here in my heart.
誰比誰耀眼 沒有絕對
Who’s more dazzling than the other? There are no absolutes.

儘管空氣 有多尷尬 沒關係
Regardless of how awkward the situation gets, it doesn’t matter.
我用全力 展開自己 的雙翼
I’ll use all my power to spread my wings.
再多恐懼 對我來說 沒意義
Regardless of how afraid I am, it doesn’t mean anything to me.
Not afraid because I will be there
用 炙熱神情 向前進
I’ll use my burning feelings to move forward.
抓住內心 為愛而生 的勇氣
I’ll grab hold of my heart with the courage that is born from love.
深深呼吸 沒有理由 不證明
Take a deep breath. There’s no reason not to affirm it.
Don’t be afraid because we will get there

The words I said after that
seems to have received Their[2] approval,
so They took me
to an isolated space,
saying that They have agreed to let me continue existing under the banner of a virtual singer
(existing under the banner of a virtual singer).

遙想著和你 一路相隨
I think about being with you on this path.
飛舞的蝴蝶 令人陶醉
The fluttering butterflies are so captivating,
翱翔在島嶼之上的 美
a beauty that soars above this island.

理想和現實的 交叉點
At this intersection between ideals and reality,
夢說什麼 都要實現
everything in my dreams will be realized,
儘管一切 回到起始點
even if it all returns to the origin.

一點一點 從不感到危險
Little by little, I’ve never felt any danger.
睜開雙眼 見證自己突破極限
Opening my eyes, I witness myself break through these boundaries.
微光閃爍 就在我心中
These shimmering lights are right here in my heart.
誰比誰耀眼 沒有絕對
Who’s more dazzling than the other? There are no absolutes.

儘管空氣 有多尷尬 沒關係
Regardless of how awkward the situation gets, it doesn’t matter.
我用全力 展開自己 的雙翼
I’ll use all my power to spread my wings.
再多恐懼 對我來說 沒意義
Regardless of how afraid I am, it doesn’t mean anything to me.
Not afraid because I will be there
用 炙熱神情 向前進
I’ll use my burning feelings to move forward.
抓住內心 為愛而生 的勇氣
I’ll grab hold of my heart with the courage that is born from love.
深深呼吸 沒有理由 不證明
Take a deep breath. There’s no reason not to affirm it.
Don’t be afraid because we will get there

儘管空氣 有多尷尬 沒關係
Regardless of how awkward the situation gets, it doesn’t matter.
我用全力 展開自己 的雙翼
I’ll use all my power to spread my wings.
再多恐懼 對我來說 沒意義
Regardless of how afraid I am, it doesn’t mean anything to me.
Not afraid because I will be there

because we will get there

[1] 遙想 Specifically means “thinking about the distant past/future”. The 遙 in this is also the same Yao in Xia Yu Yao’s name. (↳ return)

[2] The pronoun 祂 used here is the one used for gods/deities, so I’ve translated it as a capitalized third-person gender-neutral pronoun. (↳ return)

Is it only my AI that’s this hard to use? — YC Lynn ft. AiKO and Xia Yu Yao AI

Is it only my AI that’s this hard to use? (只有我的AI這麼難用嗎)

Music & Lyrics: YC Lynn
Vocal: AiKO (艾可), Xia Yu Yao AI (夏語遙)

Producer’s Comment:

Other people’s AI: within a second of inserting a prompt, spits out an image
My AI: the system can’t find the GPU :/

那天我在 在安裝TensorFlow
That day I was trying to install TensorFlow
裝在Ubuntu 20 搭配最新WSL
onto Ubuntu 20, along with the newest WSL.
$ wget
$ sudo apt install cuda
Installing version 12.0 should be fine, right?
I take a break to eat lunch.

吃完午餐 打開藍色VS code
After eating lunch, I open the blue VS Code module
to check on my GPU.
>>> tf.config.list_physical_devices(‘gpu’)
$ wget
$ sudo apt install cuda
什麼都沒看到啊 說好的支援?
Why can’t I see any of the resources that’s supposed to be there?

明明已經 按照官網 打上所有指令
I clearly already typed all the commands as directed by the official website.
Nvidia最好給我 說明清楚
Nvidia, you better clearly explain to me
cuda要裝哪個 發行版本
which release version of CUDA I should install.
nvcc竟然還要 手動加入 系統路徑
NVCC actually still needs me to add the system path manually?!

今天也在 在安裝TensorFlow
Today, I’m still trying to install TensorFlow.
How far has your investigation progressed?
系統效率優化 a.k.a. 沒進度
System efficiency has been optimized. (a.k.a. no progress)
嗯 對…
Oh, right…
$ apt install cuda
Installing version 11.8 should be fine, right?
I take a break to eat lunch.

Ah, shit.

Endless Night — Xiao Zhong Qiao ft. Mai and Xia Yu Yao AI

Endless Night (漫漫長夜)

Music & Lyrics: Xiao Zhong Qiao (小中喬)
Vocal: Mai, Xia Yu Yao AI (夏語遙AI)

Producer’s Comment:

A sky… full of… stars… how… delicious…

漫長的黑夜 停留在無限的遠點
In this endless night, I’ve stopped at an unfathomably far distance.
飛過平凡的街 回憶不再明顯
Having flown over these ordinary streets, I find that my memories are no longer clear.
越過漫天星夜 尋找著你留下的碎片
I cross over the night full of stars, searching for the pieces you’ve left behind.
燈火逐漸熄滅 我看見
The lights gradually go out, and I see
the wishes which you and I once made underneath the starry sky.

漫長的黑夜 紅燈閃得耀眼
In this endless night, the shimmering red lights are so dazzling.
飛過平凡的街 你卻消失不見
Having flown over these ordinary streets, I find that you’ve disappeared without a trace.
這一天 徹夜難眠 你不在我的身邊
On this day, I find it difficult to sleep throughout the night without you by my side.
這一夜 太過討厭 好想見一面
On this night, I hate it so, as I desperately wish to see you once again.

漫長的黑夜 無盡的思念
In this endless night, I feel a boundless longing.
星空下 遙遠心願
Underneath the starry sky, my wishes are so far away,
and I’m unable to realize what’s in my memories.
黑夜 凍結了歲月
The dark night has frozen the years
和你相遇在 這漫天星夜
and this night full of stars when I met you.

漫長的黑夜 無盡的思念
In this endless night, I feel a boundless longing.
星空下 拼湊心願
Underneath this starry sky, I piece together my wishes,
and I’m unable to realize what’s in my dreams.
黑夜 凝結了時間
The dark night has solidified the years
和你相遇在 這漫天星夜
and this night full of stars when I met you.

How I desperately wish to see you once again,
遇見 在這漫天星夜
to meet you in this night full of stars.
Please remain by my bedside
in this night full of stars.

This song is also available for purchase on Bandcamp.

No One to Love — XL ft. Xia Yu Yao

No One to Love (沒人可戀)

Music & Lyrics: XL
Vocal: Xia Yu Yao (夏語遙)

Producer’s Comment:

Xin Hua: “Last time I secretly recorded Xia Yu Yao singing a break-up song~ I’m uploading it now for everyone to hear!”
Xia Yu Yao: “How could you do this QXQ~ It’s all right! I also recorded you! I’ll upload that next time for everyone!!
Xin Hua: “You can’t!!! That’d be way too terrible QAQ!!!”

This time I tried writing a more pop-esque heartbreak song~
I don’t know if everyone will like this~
(As for the Xin Hua version, please wait in anticipation LOLOL~)
((Speaking of, I don’t know why, but this song has a kind of Director Chou style flavor LOLOL~))

A 12 o’clock with myself alone.
“Everything feels wrong without you.”
才沒有 那感覺
Of course, I don’t feel that way.
不孤單 只是有點失眠
I’m not lonely; I’m just finding it a bit hard to sleep.
失去你的膀臂 失去共同的照片
I’ve lost your arm to lie on, I’ve lost our photographs together,
I’ve lost all the things we once promised.
There’s already no longer a soft and gentle voice
to lull me to sleep in peace.

I can feel that you’re already no longer by my side
and that I’m also already no longer in your heart.
How exactly am I supposed to face this?
已經沒有你的擁抱 脫離傷悲
I already no longer have your embrace to pull me away from sadness.
天氣冷了 沒人來問穿外套沒
When it’s cold, no one is left to ask me if I’m wearing a jacket.
肚子餓了 沒人來幫我買宵夜
When I’m hungry, no one is left to help me buy a midnight snack.
Without you, I’m missing that feeling of happiness,
and all that remains is an empty room.
There’s already no one left to…

I can feel that you’re already no longer by my side
and that I’m also already no longer in your heart.
How exactly am I supposed to face this?
I already no longer have your embrace
to pull me away from sadness.
天氣冷了 沒人來問穿外套沒
When it’s cold, no one is left to ask me if I’m wearing a jacket.
肚子餓了 沒人來幫我買宵夜
When I’m hungry, no one is left to help me buy a midnight snack.
Without you, I’m missing that feeling of happiness,
and all that remains is an empty room.
There’s already no one left to love.