Endless Night — Xiao Zhong Qiao ft. Mai and Xia Yu Yao AI

Endless Night (漫漫長夜)

Music & Lyrics: Xiao Zhong Qiao (小中喬)
Vocal: Mai, Xia Yu Yao AI (夏語遙AI)

Producer’s Comment:

A sky… full of… stars… how… delicious…

漫長的黑夜 停留在無限的遠點
In this endless night, I’ve stopped at an unfathomably far distance.
飛過平凡的街 回憶不再明顯
Having flown over these ordinary streets, I find that my memories are no longer clear.
越過漫天星夜 尋找著你留下的碎片
I cross over the night full of stars, searching for the pieces you’ve left behind.
燈火逐漸熄滅 我看見
The lights gradually go out, and I see
the wishes which you and I once made underneath the starry sky.

漫長的黑夜 紅燈閃得耀眼
In this endless night, the shimmering red lights are so dazzling.
飛過平凡的街 你卻消失不見
Having flown over these ordinary streets, I find that you’ve disappeared without a trace.
這一天 徹夜難眠 你不在我的身邊
On this day, I find it difficult to sleep throughout the night without you by my side.
這一夜 太過討厭 好想見一面
On this night, I hate it so, as I desperately wish to see you once again.

漫長的黑夜 無盡的思念
In this endless night, I feel a boundless longing.
星空下 遙遠心願
Underneath the starry sky, my wishes are so far away,
and I’m unable to realize what’s in my memories.
黑夜 凍結了歲月
The dark night has frozen the years
和你相遇在 這漫天星夜
and this night full of stars when I met you.

漫長的黑夜 無盡的思念
In this endless night, I feel a boundless longing.
星空下 拼湊心願
Underneath this starry sky, I piece together my wishes,
and I’m unable to realize what’s in my dreams.
黑夜 凝結了時間
The dark night has solidified the years
和你相遇在 這漫天星夜
and this night full of stars when I met you.

How I desperately wish to see you once again,
遇見 在這漫天星夜
to meet you in this night full of stars.
Please remain by my bedside
in this night full of stars.

This song is also available for purchase on Bandcamp.

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