Summer Invitation — Visser & 0 0 ft. Xia Yu Yao AI

Summer Invitation (夏之邀約)

Music: Visser (惟瑟)
Lyrics: 0 0
Vocal: Xia Yu Yao AI (夏語遙AI)

Producer’s Comment:

“Summer is almost here, so let’s go to the beach together!”

This song is written so well that even a recluse like me wants to go to the beach… as long as Yuyao goes with me.

I remember the year back when I was still playing around with a Xia Yu Yao who hadn’t even had her OTO settled. After all these years of her evolving, I finally have a song for her to sing.

From lyricist 0 0: Good day, I’m 0 0. This time, thank you, Visser, for letting me try to write the lyrics. Although I originally wrote it very scattered and disjointed, right now I feel that… it’s unexpectedly not bad? All in all, I should still first thank all of you first, for giving me this kind of experience. This is where I dump all my nonsense writing; I just made it recently. If you’re bored, feel free to take a look, and I also welcome all of you to roast me?

陣陣冷風 從我身邊呼嘯而過
A wave of cold wind brushes right past me.
那股寒意 把活力全部都帶走
That bout of chill air takes all my energy with it.
只能待在 溫暖卻無趣的家中
I can only stay in this warm yet boring house.
這個冬天 就如同牢籠般限制了我
This winter has confined me like a cage.

窗外雪花 一片片的肆意掉落
The snowflakes outside the window willfully falls, flake by flake,
彷彿是在 嘲笑無法離開的我
as if making fun of the me who is unable to leave.
但是寒冷 卻限制住我的行動
But the winter chill is able to restrict my movements.
最後隻身 困在冷冽的狂風之中
In the end, I am trapped alone within the cold gale.

想當初那時 那熾熱的朝陽
I think of the blazing morning sun at that time
把你我都給曬傷 那白癡的模樣
which sunburned you and me so badly that we looked foolish.
雖然痛卻笑著 奇怪的景象
Although we were in pain, we were both smiling, a strange sight to behold.
如果說 你現在在身旁 多美好
How beautiful would it be if you were by my side right now.

如果能穿越 到明年夏天
If only I could travel to next year’s summer,
到那個 能和你並行的那瞬間
to that moment when I could be by your side,
懷抱著期待 帶著那笑顏
holding onto expectations with that smiling face,
直奔向 那碧藍無比的沁涼海岸邊
rushing straight for that incomparably cool, dark-blue seaside.

被捉弄的瞬間 嬉鬧的嘴臉
The moment I was teased, that face full of amused laughter.
忍不住 反擊的比你還要猛烈
I couldn’t help but retaliate even more fiercely than you.
沉浸在這時 只屬於你我
That time we were immersed in belonged only to you and me.
在陽光下 我們倆也是同樣的耀眼
Underneath the sunlight, both of us were similarly dazzling.

一本一本 堆積如山的教科書
One by one, the textbooks pile up as high as a mountain.
地理生物 帶來了無數的睡意
Geography and biology brings with it uncountable amounts of sleepiness.
書海再廣 也沒有汪洋的暖意
No matter how wide this sea of books is, it still can’t compare to the warmth of the ocean.
每行文字 都無法讓我面帶微笑
Not a single line of text is able to make me smile.

仍記憶猶新 那去年的夏季
That summer last year still remains fresh in my memory.
雷陣雨突然來臨 你我急忙躲避
A thundershower suddenly arrived, and you and I hurried to hide.
結果全泡湯了 難得的假期
In the end, all of our hopes were dashed for this hard-to-come-by vacation.
但是我 卻不感到可惜 因為你
But I actually didn’t feel disappointed because of you.

如果能穿越 到明年夏天
If only I could travel to next year’s summer,
我和你 一起漫遊在無際的海裡
you and I could swim freely in that boundless sea.
太陽正高照 防曬也不要
Even with the sun shining high in the sky, we wouldn’t want sunscreen.
酷暑下 得要好好享受烈日的閃耀
Underneath that intense heat, we must do our best to enjoy the radiance of the scorching sun.

雖然有點荒唐 但沒有關係
Although it’s a bit absurd, it’s all right.
青春的 最大意義就是要瘋狂
The biggest purpose of youth should be to go wild.
就算到最後 常常會受傷
Even if, in the end, we often end up injured,
這點傷口 只要你在也就不足為惜
as long as you’re by my side, I won’t even begrudge these wounds.

陣陣的冷風 阻隔了你我
These waves of cold wind has separated you and me,
但情誼 卻不因此而輕易冷卻
but friendship won’t cool off so easily because of such things.
夏季如紅繩 聯繫了你我
The summer is like a red string, connecting you and me.
在一起 奔赴向如夢般的快樂時光
Together, we rush towards that dream-like, happy time.

夏天正一步步 向我們到來
Step by step, summer is approaching us,
又能夠 與你並肩的時刻到來
and the time when I can once again stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you is almost here.
即使現在仍 被寒冷覆蓋
Even if, right now, it’s still covered by this winter cold,
但是有你 帶給我永恆不變的溫暖
your presence brings me a never-changing warmth.