The Summer Night Sky — The Bullseye ft. Luo Tianyi / Yuezheng Ling

盛夏夜空 (The Summer Night Sky)

Music & Lyrics: BTM
Tuning: Minin (鳴櫻) / Fernando C
Vocal: Luo Tianyi (洛天依) / Yuezheng Ling (樂正綾)

Yuezheng Ling version

Producer’s Comment (Ling version):

1.) This is a song written for the character Kushieda Minori from Toradora! Because I really liked this character, I wrote this song for her all those years ago. I think this song sounds quite good, and it’s also one of the few songs I’ve made that I actually like, so I made a new version of it.

2.) Most likely in the future I’ll upload once a month. If nothing goes wrong, I’ll probably be uploading a new original song next time~

一直都沒有想過 會對你產生心動
I never thought that my heart would be moved by you,
於是就太過放鬆 在你面前破綻百露
so I was far too careless, revealing all my weak points in front of you.

用我的語言交流 你卻有辦法聽懂
Even when I’m using my own language to communicate, you still manage to understand me.
將你的心意寄託 在這個幽靈說之中
During our talk about ghosts and spirits, I’m entrusted with your feelings.

還沒喜歡你 但很在意
I still haven’t fallen for you, yet I’m very conscious
該怎麼面對 這份心意
of how I should face these feelings of yours.
我果然還是 沒有勇氣
It turns out that I’m still a coward,
只能裝傻 迴避掉問題
and I can only play at ignorance and evade the issue.

The stars are twinkling in the midsummer night sky,
and the eyes of the shy you also continue to twinkle.
The clumsy you does your best to get close to me.
兩人的定位已經 被你撼動
You’ve already shaken up the foundations of our relationship.

We feel our hearts ache for the girl we both treasure,
but after the worst is over, this feeling was actually able to turn into affection.
When you reached out that warm hand to me,
兩人的距離 縮短許多
the distance between us shortened considerably.

但是我們的故事 就只能夠到這裡
But our story can’t continue past here.
我愛的她需要你 所以我不能搶走你
The girl I love needs you, so I can’t steal you away.

這麼樣傲慢的我 這麼樣狡猾的我
I’m arrogant, and I’m sly, but
如果在你的眼中 是體貼的那就足夠
as long as I look considerate in your eyes, that’s enough for me.

不停躲著你 那雙眼睛
I continue to hide from those eyes of yours.
不停避開你 那份感情
I continue to dodge that affection of yours.
不停推開你 那份心意
I continue to push aside those feelings of yours.
只能隱藏 我這份愛意
I can only conceal this love of mine.

The shattered star from the top of the tree is twinkling,
and the eyes of the cowardly me continue to duck away.
The clumsy you does your best to get close to me.
我只能狠心推開 這份心動
I could only heartlessly push aside these feelings.

We feel our hearts ache for the girl we both treasure,
but it’s not enough just to speak vaguely about the future.
The feelings between the two of you have already surpassed this.
讓這份情感 閃爍天空
Let these emotions twinkle in the sky.

But in truth,
這樣的我 很不甘心
I really don’t want to give up.
明明說好 絕不哭泣
I clearly said that I definitely won’t cry,
卻又還是 留下淚滴
but I still end up shedding tears,
and I can’t stop myself.

My happiness is something only I can decide.
No one else has the right to do so besides me.
So I can’t say those words, “I like you.”
就透過這拳頭把 心意傳遞
I can only transmit my feelings to you through this fist.

The stars are twinkling in the midsummer night sky,
and the eyes of the shy you also continue to twinkle.
The clumsy you does your best to get close to me.
就將這回憶 永存心中
I’ll carry these memories forever in my heart.

This song is full of Toradora! references, and most of the events described are things that actually happened in Toradora!